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 Memorabilia from The 1916 Easter Rising, its Prelude and Aftermath.
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The War Of Independence Medals
1919-1921 Service Medal( often referred to as the "Black & Tan medal")
War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And tan Medal War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And tan Medal Box
The 1919 - 1921 Active service medal with Comrac Bar Original box of issue for 1919-1921 medals both with and without Comrac bar.
War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal Front War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal Back
The medals for 1919 - 1921 active service and non-active service are the same, the difference is the Bar which attaches the medal to the ribbon is added with the word "Comrac" for active service.
War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal Slip A mounted cutting of the Active service Ribbon was enclosed for wear at the recipients' pleasure when the medal is not being used.
The 1917 - 1921 medal (with or without Comrac Bar) was manufactured on ten separate occasions, the dates and quantities of which are shown here.
16th June, 1941 10,000
22nd October 1942 15,000
26th October 1945 3,000
28th May 1947 4,500
10th March 1949 1,500
7th November 1949 3,000
16th June 1950 5,000
10th November 1951 6,000
17th June 1953 6,700
3rd October 1957 2,500
The 1921 - 1971 , 50th Anniversary Medal
War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal 50th Anniversary This  plain green box was issued with the 1921 - 1971 medal. The box was also used for the Emergency medals

.War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal 50th Anniversary  Box

War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal 50th Anniversary Slip

The Presidential compliment slip is also different.
This 1919 - 21 service medal below was issued posthumously, it is officially numbered and this number also appears on its original postage box.
War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal 50th Anniversary Set
War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal Named War Of Independence 1917 - 1921 Black And Tan Medal Postage Box Named
H Company Service Certificate
War Of Independence H Company Letter
H Company Cert

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